Download Adobe Photoshop Plugin

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

B/W Styler- is a Photoshop plugin for B/W conversion, creating traditional B/W effects and styling B/W photos. B/W Styler works in dozens of graphics applications including Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, IrfanView, Photoshop Elements, PhotoImpact, Photo-Paint and Fireworks under Windows. It supports 8bit and 16bit RGB images.

ContrastMaster is a plugin for effective contrast enhancement as well as creating dramatic contrast looks, photorealistic paintings and HDR-like effects.

FocalBlade is a plugin for sharpening photos for screen display and print. It automatically sharpens photos, lets you deblur them and also offers blur, soft focus and glow effects.

LightMachine is a plugin for performing all kinds of light adjustments in photos. It combines shadow/highlight, virtual lighting and color-based correction tools for performing sophisticated corrections without the need for time-consuming selections and layer stacks.

Download here: